Where's my...????

Belt, palm pilot, glasses, phone? Every morning these items suddenly 'disappeared' and the x would fumble around until I told him where he'd left them. Over the years, I developed a keen sense of their whereabouts. I would make mental notes where these items were before I would go to bed, so that I could rattle them off to the x in the morning. This happened every day! Another daily ritual was the 'wall banging'. The x would get in the shower and start banging on the shower wall. This would signal me into action. The shampoo or the soap was not where he could access them, so I had to rush in and hand-deliver these items to him, ASAP! I had better be available at showertime, yesiree! Life would suck (moreso) if I happen to be out of the house at bathtime. I would ask him to make sure he had everything he needed before he showered, but that would've taken the fun out of me dropping what I was doing and running to his side. So scared not to run to him...Bang, bang, bang, bang....GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!!!! Bad Tracy! I wonder how he gets by now. I know I get by just fine with no banging.

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